CME/CPD Mission Statement
The goals of the CSIM CPD Sub-Committee are: to provide our target audience with interactive, evidence-based continuing professional development activities based on their learning needs; to review and approve CPD activities put on by medical organizations using the criteria enunciated by the CPD office of the RCPSC; to co-develop CPD activities held by non-medical organizations; to be innovative in the field of CPD using novel methods of needs assessment and evaluation. More specifically this would include:
Needs assessment
Assessing the overall (perceived and unperceived) needs of our target audience using the collective wisdom of the members of the Annual Meeting and Education Committee, evaluation of previous annual meetings, administrative databases, clinical guidelines, surveys and eventually practice audits.
Learning objectives
Formulating learning objectives describing explicitly what change in knowledge, skills and attitudes we are aiming for based on our needs assessments.
Planning and organisation
Choosing the appropriate format (short snappers, plenary sessions, workshops, round table sessions, satellite symposia, simulation).
Choosing themes, speakers and facilitators.
Choosing appropriate facilities, meeting rooms, audiovisual equipment.
Evaluation of what we have done and the impact that we have had on physician learning, physician performance and the health of our patients and communities using evaluation forms, post–conference questionnaires and eventually practice audits.
Target audience
- All members of the CSIM.
- All specialists in internal medicine and subspecialists in general internal medicine in Canada.
- Other medical subspecialists who have been certified in internal medicine and who wish to maintain their knowledge and skills in general internal medicine.
- Any specialist wishing to update or further his or her knowledge in the field of general internal medicine.
Our ultimate goal is to go beyond the simple transmission of information. Our goal is to make a lasting impact on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of clinicians and future clinicians; to narrow the theory to practice gap; to improve the health of all Canadians.